2014.01.03. 20:15

Magento 2.0 dev 59

magento 2.0 dev59

Új év, új remények, újabb fejlesztői verzió.

* Fixed bugs:
  * Fixed invalid year in exception log errors
  * Fixed the double-serialization in saving data for shipments
  * Fixed an issue with adding a gift wrapping for multiple items
  * Fixed shipping labels generation for DHL
  * Fixed an issue with lost product price and weight during import
  * Fixed a fatal error when a file reference is added to the HTML head
  * Fixed an issue with printing orders containing downloadable product(s)
  * Fixed an issue with the 'Same as shipping' check box not being selected on the Review Order page for PayPal Express checkout
  * Fixed an issue with Email Templates preview showing a blank page
  * Fixed an issue with a refund creation from the PayPal side
  * Removed the occurrences of the non-existing Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Convert resource model
  * Fixed an issue with a coupon usage after applying it with multiple addresses
  * Fixed the Abandoned Cart emails sending
  * Fixed an issue where users with "Reorder" permission could not perform reorder
  * Fixed an issue with adding items from wishlist to the Shopping Cart with quantity increments enabled
  * Fixed an issue with the catalog_url indexer incorrect rewrites history for categories
  * Fixed an issue in saving an integration with a duplicate name
  * Fixed an issue when a customer could see someone's else reviews on the private Account Dashboard
  * Fixed an issue when a "New Theme" page was displayed as broken when trying to create a theme with incorrect "Version" value
  * Fixed an issue in saving an integration with XSS injection in the required fields
  * Fixed an issue with the Mini Shopping Cart when it contained virtual product
  * Fixed an issue in disabling the Shopping Cart sidebar
  * Fixed an issue when the "Adminhtml" cookie was not set when a user logged in to the backend
  * Fixed an issue when the "Persistent_shopping_cart" cookie was not set after customer's login
  * Fixed inability to publish products to Google Shopping
  * Fixed inability to download or revert the backup
  * Fixed inability to create a customer account when placing an order with a downloadable product
* Various improvements:
  * Disabled PHP errors, notices and warnings output in the production mode, to prevent exposing sensitive information
2013.12.28. 10:27

Magento 2.0 dev 58

magento 2.0 dev58

Remélem mindenki túlélte az idei karácsonyi rohamot is, így a szilvesztert már egy ropogós dev58-al várhatjuk.

  • Fixed bugs:
    • Security improved for the Login, Update Cart, Add to Compare, Review, and Add entire wishlist actions on the frontend
    • Removed warnings on category pages when Flat Catalog Category is enabled
    • Fixed product price displayed in wrong currency after switching currency on the frontend
    • Fixed the Save & Duplicate action in product creation
    • Fixed big image scaling in product description
    • Fixed admin dashboard styling issue
    • Fixed validation message for the Quantity field on the product page in the backend
    • Fixed the email template for sharing a Wishlist
    • Fixed the response of the drop-down menu in the Plushe theme
    • Fixed the missing Related Banners tab for Catalog Price Rule
    • Fixed inability to enable the duplicated product
    • Removed warnings on saving payment method configuration
    • Fixed gift messages displaying on the Order View page after admin edits
    • Fixed inability to create a new order status
    • Fixed the behavior of the Save and Previous and the Previous buttons on the Edit Review page
    • Fixed inability to delete a website if the number of websites is less or equal to two
    • Fixed Export on the All Customers page
    • Fixed inability to add products to the Shopping Cart from the Category page in Internet Explorer
    • Fixed logo on the backend login page
    • Fixed visual elements to indicate that Tax details can be expanded on the order creation page in the backend
    • Fixed the CMS page preview design
    • Fixed the newsletter template preview design
    • Fixed the Matched Customers grid design in the Email Reminder Rules
    • Fixed the theme version validation message displayed when creating a new theme
    • Fixed performance degradation during installation wizard execution
    • Fixed cron shell script
    • Fixed user login on the frontend, when the Redirect Customer to Account Dashboard after Logging option is set to No
    • Fixed errors in requests to shipping carrier (DHL International) when the shipping address contains letters with diacritic marks
    • Fixed invalid account creation date
    • Fixed displaying Product Alert links on product view page when the functionality is disabled
    • Fixed the absence of some bundle options when configuring a bundle product in the Shopping Cart on the frontend
    • Fixed the issue which allowed to view and cancel billing agreements belonging to another customer
    • Fixed the content spoofing vulnerability when Solr was used
    • Fixed a potential XSS vulnerability in customer login
    • Fixed RSS feed for categories containing bundle product(s)
    • Fixed inability to place an order with 3D Secure in Internet Explorer 10
    • Fixed inability to place an order with PayPal Payflow Link and PayPal Payments Advanced
    • Fixed integrity constraint violation in catalog URL rewrites
    • Fixed the absence of the error when a wrong website code is specified during a website creation
    • Fixed saving in the backend a new customer address, which contains new customer address attributes configured to be not visible on frontend
    • Fixed USPS shipping method in the checkout
    • Fixed placing orders with recurring profile items via PayPal Express Checkout
    • Fixed email template creation in the backend
    • Fixed the issue with default billing address being used instead of default shipping address during admin order creation
    • Fixed inability to choose DB as Media Storage
    • Fixed PHP issues found during the UI testing of the backend
    • Fixed shipping label creation for USPS Priority Mail Shipping methods
    • Fixed the issue which allowed to create customers with duplicate email
    • Fixed the abstract product block error in the tier price template getter
    • Fixed system message displaying in the backend
    • Fixed the "404" error on customer review page
    • Fixed autocomplete enabled on the admin login page
    • Fixed the 3D Secure iframe
    • Fixed the indicators of mandatory fields on the Package Extension page
    • Fixed product image scaling on the Compare Products page
    • Fixed product page design for products with the Fixed Product Tax attribute
    • Removed spaces between parentheses and numbers in the Cart, Wishlist, and Compare Products blocks
    • Fixed the message displaying the quantity for products found on the Advanced Search page
    • Fixed incorrect caching of locale settings and URL settings during web installation
    • Fixed inability to use a newly created store for admin user roles
    • Fixed absence of the Advanced Search field on the frontend, when the Popular Search Terms functionality is disabled
    • Fixed incorrect link to downloadable product(s) in the email invoice copy
    • Fixed customs monetary value in labels/package info for international shipments
    • Fixed importing for files with blank URL Key field on the store view level
    • Fixed table rate error message
    • Fixed frontend login without pre-set cookies
    • Fixed date resetting to 1 Jan 1970 after saving a design change in the admin panel in case date format is DD/MM/YY
    • Fixed CAPTCHA on multi-address checkout flow
    • Fixed view files population tool
  • GitHub requests:
    • Added support of federal units of Brazil with 27 states
    • Removed unused blocks and methods in Magento_Wishlist module
    • Support of alphanumeric order increment ids by the quote resource model
  • Themes update:
    • Responsive design improvements
  • Improvements in code coverage calculation:
    • Code coverage calculation approach for unit tests was changed from blacklist to whitelist
2013.12.20. 10:01

Magento 2.0 dev 57

magento 2.0 dev56

Újra péntek, újra frissülés.

  • Fixed bugs:
    • Fixed [MAP]: "Click for price" link is broken on the category page
    • Fixed tax rule search on the grid
    • Fixed redirect on dashboard if "Search", "Reset", "Export" buttons are clicked on several pages
    • Fixed switching user to alternate store-view when clicking on the Category (with Add Store Code to Urls="Yes" in the config)
    • Fixed printing Order/Shipping/Credit Memo from backend
    • Fixed 404 Error on attempt to print Shipping Label
    • Fixed duplication of JavaScript Resources in head on frontend
    • Fixed inconsistency with disabled states on Configurable product page in the Plushe theme
    • Fixed 3D Secure Information absence on Admin Order Info page
    • Fixed possibility to download or revert Backup
    • Fixed session fixation in user registration during checkout
    • Fixed fatal error during login to backend
    • Fixed inline translations in the Adminhtml area
    • Fixed partial refunds/invoices in Payflow Pro
    • Fixed the issue with ignoring area in design emulation
    • Fixed order placing with virtual product using Express Checkout
    • Fixed the error during order placement with Recurring profile payment
    • Fixed wrong redirect after customer registration during multishipping checkout
    • Fixed inability to crate shipping labels
    • Fixed inability to switch language, if the default language is English
    • Fixed an issue with incorrect XML appearing in cache after some actions on the frontend
    • Fixed product export
    • Fixed inability to configure memcache as session save handler
  • GitHub requests:
    • Remove cast to (int) for the varch increment_id
    • Installation of dev53 fails
    • ImportExport: Easier debugging
  • Modularity improvements:
    • Removed \Magento\App\Helper\HelperFactory
    • Removed the "helper" method from the abstract block interface
    • Layout page type config moved to library
    • Design loader moved to library
    • Theme label moved to library
    • Remaining part from Adminhtml moved to the appropriate modules. Adminhtml module has been eliminated
    • Core Session and Cookie models decomposed and moved to library
      • \Magento\Stdlib\Cookie library created
      • Session Manager and Session Config interfaces provided
      • Session save handler interface created
      • Session storage interface created, session does not extend \Magento\Object anymore
      • Session validator interface created
      • Session generic wrapper moved to library
      • Messages functionality moved from the Session model as separate component, message manager interface created
      • Sid resolver interface created to handle session sid from request
2013.12.20. 09:58

Magento CE 1.8.1

magento ce 181.jpg

Az év végi hajrában, szép csendesen kapott a CE verzió is egy frissítést (még december 11-n), így aki teheti frissítsen, mert javítottak ezt azt.

2013.12.14. 09:26

Magento 2.0 dev 56

magento 2.0 dev56

A 2013-as év utolsó vagy utolsó előtti újdonságai kerültek fel tegnap. Az most már szinte biztos, hogy Magento 2 bétára idén már nem lehet számítani (még ha utolsó pillanatban ki is dobják).

Mi várható 2014-re? Valószínűleg egy végleges Magento 2.0 valamikor tavasszal összekötve a szokásos évi Imagine bulival.

Csak emlékeztetőül:
2013-as Imagine eCommerce 2013. április 8-10. (enterprise 1.13, community 1.8, magento 2 dev-44)
2012-as Imagine eCommerce 2012. április 23-25. (enterprise 1.12, community 1.7)
2011-es Imageine eCommerce 2011. február 7-8. (enterprise 1.10, community 1.5)

Ha maradnak a hagyományok, akkor bizony érik a tavaszi új, minden eddiginél nagyobb bejelentés és áttörés az e-kereskedelemben.

A DEV 56-ban pedig ezekkel foglalkoztak:

  • Fixed bugs:
    • Fixed placing order with PayPal Payments Advanced and Payflow Link
    • Fixed losing previously assigned categories after saving the product with changed category selector field
    • Fixed losing of a newly created category assignment after variations generation during Configurable product or Gift Card creation
    • Fixed the error in order placement with Recurring profile payment
  • GitHub requests:
    • Fix for issue Refactor Mage_Rating_Model_Resource_Rating_Collection
    • Replacing simple preg calls with less expensive alternates
  • Modularity improvements:
    • Layout page type config moved to library
    • Design loader moved to library
    • Theme label moved to library
  • Themes update:
    • Reduced amount of templates and layouts in magento_plushe theme
    • Responsive design improvements
  • Integrity improvements:
    • Covered all Magento classes with argument sequence validator
    • Added arguments type duplication validator
  • Implemented API Integration UX flows:
    • Ability to create and edit API Integrations
    • Ability to delete API integrations that were not created using configuration files
  • Removed System REST menu item and all associated UX flows:
    • Users, Roles, and Webhook Subscriptions sub-menu items were removed
  • Removed the Webhook module

áruház, shop, bolt, üzlet Magento alapokon, webáruház, webshop, webbolt, kereskedelem, magento magyarul

Webáruház készítés Magento alapokon.

Magyar és külföldi Magento alapú webáruházakkal foglalkozom már egy ideje. Itt fogom megosztani tapasztalataimat, véleményemet a webshop készítéssel kapcsolatban és mindennel ami ezzel a témával kicsit is összefüggésbe hozható! Ha webáruházat szeretne indítani vagy a meglévőt átalakítani, akkor keressen meg bizalommal a friss e-mail címemen!

További ajánlataim

Régebbi Magento webáruház verziók megjelenési dátumai

2015.05.01. - Magento
2014.05.13. - Magento
2013.09.25. - Magento
2012.07.05. - Magento
2012.01.11. - Magento
2011.04.26. - Magento
2010.12.08. - Magento
2010.04.23. - Magento
2008.12.29. - Magento
2008.09.02. - Magento 1.0.19870.6

süti beállítások módosítása