A mai napon megjelent egy újabb frissítés név szerint: Magento 2.0.5. A hivatalos oldalról letölthető és böngészhető a néhány ráncfelvarrás:
Upgrade and Installation
- Magento no longer assumes hard-coded root category IDs or default category IDs. Previously, Magento used hard-coded IDs for these values, which could produce inconsistent data during store installation.
- Product import now works successfully in a multi-store environment. Previously, Magento would display the following error message, “URL key for specified store already exists”, when importing products into a multi-store configuration.
- Export performance has been enhanced. Pages no longer hang randomly, and CPU usage is no longer pegged. (GITHUB-3217)
- Magento no longer duplicates queries to the database from the Catalog page. Instead, if Magento has already loaded specific data during request processing, it re-uses it instead of duplicating the query.
- Magento no longer duplicates SQL queries on CMS and Category pages. Previously, significant duplications occurred.
- Selecting the Use Aggregated Data option now correctly displays Dashboard data. (GITHUB-3459)
- Magento now displays the expected color swatch when you select a color swatch for a configurable product. Previously, Magento did not change the color when you selected a swatch.
- HTML template minification now properly handles commented code.
- Deleting one of several custom options no longer deletes all options. Previously, deleting one option from the Product page also deleted all other custom options. (GITHUB-2989)
- When Full Page Cache (FPC) is enabled, the CAPTCHA image differs for every user. Previously, the CAPTCHA image on the registration page remained the same for every customer after FPC was enabled.
- Google no longer indexes the Admin URL. Previously, Google indexed the Admin side meta tag. The frontend meta tag was not affected.
- Magento no longer sends a subscription success email whenever a customer enters his email address to subscribe to a newsletter. Users receive a “thank you for your subscription” message and a subscription success email only when registering for the first time.
- Guests can now successfully click on the product page link for any item in an emailed shared wishlist.
- Custom customer attributes are now saved at checkout.