Felgyorsultak a developer kiadásának periódusai valószínűsíthető, hogy ebben a tempóban tényleg várható a béta megjelenése még ebben az évben.
- Various improvements:
- Added static integrity test for compilation of DI definitions
- Lightweight replacement for PhpUnit data providers is implemented and involved in static and integrity tests with big data providers (primarily file lists)
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed broken styles on front-end due to usage of nonexistent stylesheet
- Fixed plugins configuration inheritance for proxy classes
- Fixed OAuth consumer credentials expiry not being correctly calculated and added credentials HTTP post to the consumer endpoint
- Fixed Namespace class references
- Fixed error on creating shipment with bundle products
- Fixed uninstallation via console installer
- Fixed JavaScript error in bootstrap in IE8/9
- Fixed placing order within PayPal Payments Advanced and Payflow link
- Fixed fatal error on placing order with Billing Agreement

Pár percig nem figyel az ember és máris itt egy újabb Magento 2-s dev verzió. Jó sok fixel:
- Fixed compilation of DI definitions
- Fixed direct injection of auto-generated proxy classes
- Fixed usages of auto-generated factories on the library level
- Fixed fatal error after saving customer address with VAT number
- Fixed fatal error caused by USPS shipping method with debug
- Fixed url to Tax Class controller
- Fixed incorrect subtotal displayed on the Order page
- Fixed incorrect arguments for shipping xml elements factory
- Fixed theme editing in developer mode (PHP 5.4)
- Fixed absent conditions during New Shopping Cart Price Rule creation
- Fixed fatal error while try to edit created configurable product while Dev Mode enabled (PHP 5.4)
- Fixed frontend error when persistent shopping cart functionality is enabled
- Fixed Tax tab
- Fixed broken link "Orders and returns" on frontend
- Fixed placing order within OnePageCheckout using online payment methods
- Fixed error when product is being added to order from backend if Gift Messages are enabled
- Fixed error when product is being added to cart if MAP is enabled
- Fixed error when product attribute template is being edited
- Fixed error when setting configuration for Google API
- Fixed backend issue when Stores>Configuration>System>Advanced page was not displayed and did not allow to save changes
- Fixed not executable button "Continue shopping" on Multi-shipping process
- Fixed error on adding product to shopping cart from cross-sells block
- Fixed fatal error on Recurring Billing Profiles page
- Fixed error on setting configuration for Catalog
- Fixed error on placing order with Configurable product
- Fixed issue with downloadable product creation
- Fixed error on update configuration for payment methods
- Fixed blank page on shopping cart if FedEx shipping method is enabled
- Fixed fatal error when SID presents in URL
- Fixed absence of selection of a role assigned to an admin user