2014.05.14. 10:11

Magento Imagine 2014


Gyorsjelentés Las Vegasból!

Magento CE 1.9 a piacon
Magento EE 1.14 a piacon
Magento2 DEV-77 a piacon

2014.03.22. 11:21

Magento 2.0 dev 70

magento 2.0 dev70

A 70-es mérföldkőhöz érkezett a Magento 2 fejlesztése.

  • Fixed bugs:
    • Fixed an issue where the schedule of recurring payments was not displayed in the shopping cart
    • Fixed an issue with displaying tax class names in the Customer Groups grid
    • Fixed an issue with testing Solr connection
    • Fixed an issue with using custom module front name
    • Fixed an issue with USPS and DHL usage in the production mode
  • Modularity improvements:
    • Consolidated all logic related to Layered Navigation in one separate module
  • Framework Improvements:
    • Covered Magento library components with unit tests:
      • Magento/Interception
      • Magento/ObjectManager
      • Magento/Message
      • Magento/Module
      • Magento/Mail
      • Magento/Object
      • Magento/Math
  • Updated XML files to include a reference to the schema file in a form of a relative path
  • Updated code to be PSR-2 compliant
  • Themes update:
    • LESS styles library added in pub/lib/css/
    • A new Blank theme set as default
  • GitHub requests:
    • Fixed bug, incorrect auto-generation Category URL for some groups of symbols (idish, cirrilic, é, ä, and other).
    • Fixing a bug for loading config from local.xml
    • Params passed in pub/index.php being overwritten
    • Use translates for Quote\Address\Total\Shipping
    • Translation escaping
    • allow _resolveArguments to do sequential lookups
    • Deleted unclosed comment in calendar.css
  • Fixed bugs:
    • Fixed a fatal error that occurred with a dependency in pub/errors/report.php
    • Fixed an issue where code coverage failed for Magento\SalesRule\Model\Rule\Action\Discount\CartFixedTest
    • Fixed an issue where PayPal Express Checkout redirected to the PayPal site even though the Allow Guest Checkout option was set to 'No'
    • Fixed an issue where invalid password reset link was sent when resetting customer password from the backend
    • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to download a previously created backup
    • Fixed a security issue with possibility of a XSS injection in the Integration re-authorization flow
    • Fixed an issue where Billing Agreement cancellation from the backend did not work
    • Fixed an issue with the debug section in the developer settings
    • Fixed the unreliable implementation of the fetching authorization header via SOAP
    • Fixed issues with WSDL generation error reporting
    • Fixed an issue with incorrect order of the Recurring Profile tab in Account Customer on the frontend
    • Fixed an issue when the information about a custom option of the 'File' type was not displayed correctly on the recurring profile page
    • Fixed an issue with editing Product template
    • Fixed an issue with duplicated shipping method options during checkout
    • Fixed an issue where flat indexers were re-indexed in shell when they were disabled
    • Fixed an issue where adding a wrong/nonexistent SKU using 'Order by SKU' from My Account caused a fatal error
    • Fixed an issue with the JS/CSS merging functionality
    • Fixed an issue with static view files publication tool used for the 'production' mode
  • Modularity improvements:
    • Removed the deprecated GoogleCheckout functionality
    • Removed all dependencies on the RecurringPayment module
    • Removed the Sales module dependencies on Customer models/blocks
    • Renamed the RecurringProfile module to RecurringPayment
    • Resolved dependencies between the Email Templates functionality and other modules
    • Moved Core module lib-only depended components to library
    • Moved CSS URL resolving logic from publisher to the separate CSS pre-processor
    • Re-factored the View publisher
  • Framework improvements:
    • Added restrictions on the data populated to the Service Data Object
    • Renamed Data Transfer Object to Service Data Object
    • Updated the view files population tool to support LESS
  • Customer Service usage:
    • Refactored the Tax module to use Customer service layer
    • Refactored Customer module Adminhtml internal controllers and helper to use Customer services
    • Added and updated the Customer service APIs
    • Exposed Customer services as REST APIs
  • Indexer implementation:
    • Implemented a new optimized Product Price Indexer
  • Updated various PHPDoc with the parameter and return types
  • Cache:
    • Implemented depersonalization of private content generation
    • Implemented content invalidation
    • Added Edge Side Includes (ESI) support
    • Added a built-in caching application
  • GitHub requests:
    • Allow to specify list of IPs in a body on maintenance.flag which will be granted access even if the flag is on
    • Mage_ImportExport: Exporting configurable products ignores multiple configurable options
    • Echo vs print
    • Some translation keys are not correct.
    • Retrieve base host URL without path in error processor
    • Missed column 'payment_method' of table 'sales_flat_quote_address'
    • Fix for Issue #278 (Import -> Stores with large amount of Configurable Products)
  • Fixed bugs:
    • Fixed an issue where Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Type::fetchNewIncrementId() did not rollback on exception
    • Fixed an issue where a category containing more than 1000 products could not be saved
    • Fixed inappropriate error messages displayed during installation when required extensions were not installed
    • Fixed synopsis of the install.php script
    • Fixed an issue where the schedule of recurring payments was not displayed in the shopping cart
  • Modularity improvements:
    • Introduced the OfflinePayments module - a saparate module for offline payment methods
    • Added the ability to enable/disable the Paypal module
    • Moved the framework part of the Locale functionality from the Core module to library
    • The Locale logic was split among appropriate classes in library, according to their responsibilities
    • Removed the deprecated DHL functionality
    • Introduced the OfflineShipping module for offline shipping carrier functionality: Flatrate, Tablerate, Freeshipping, Pickup
    • Introduced a separate module for the DHL shipping carrier
    • Introduced a separate module for the Fedex shipping carrier
    • Introduced a separate module for the UPS shipping carrier
    • Introduced a separate module for the USPS shipping carrier
  • Framework Improvements:
    • Added the ability to intercept internal public calls
    • Added the ability to access public interface of the intercepted object
    • Added a static integrity test for plugin interface validation
    • Added support for both class addressing approaches in DI: with and without slash ("\") at the beginning of a class name
  • Customer Service usage:
    • Refactored the Customer module blocks and controllers to use customer service layer
  • Security:
    • Introduced the ability to hash a password with a random salt of default length (32 chars) by the encryption library
    • Utilized a random salt of default length for admin users, and frontend customers
  • GitHub requests:
    • Translation escaping
    • allow _resolveArguments to do sequential lookups
  • Fixed bugs:
    • Fixed an issue where nonexistent store views flat tables cleanuper dropped the catalog_category_flat_cl table
    • Fixed an issue where the Product Flat Data indexer used the helpers logic instead of the Flat State logic
    • Fixed an issue where an exception was thrown when applying a coupon code
    • Fixed an issue where a Shopping Cart Price Rule was applied to the wrong products
    • Fixed an issue with the broken Related Orders link on the Recurring Profile page
    • Fixed an issue with CMS pages preview not working
    • Fixed an issue with a sales report for a store view returning wrong result
    • Fixed an issue where shipping did not work for orders containing only bundle products
    • Fixed an issue where a custom not found page action did not work
    • Fixed an issue where user configuration for a shopping cart rule to stop further rules processing was ignored
  • Modularity improvements:
    • Resolved dependencies of the Sales module on the RecurringProfile module
    • Resolved dependencies of the Email Templates functionality on application modules
    • Lib-only dependent components of the Core module moved to library
    • CSS URL resolving logic moved from the publisher to a separate CSS pre-processor
    • Refactored the View publisher
  • Customer Service usage:
    • Refactored the Sales module to use Customer service layer
    • Refactored the Checkout module to use Customer service layer
  • Updated various PHPDoc with the parameter and return types
2014.02.21. 19:14

Magento 2.0 dev 66

magento 2.0 dev66

Hová is lenne a világ Magento 2.0 dev verzió frissítés nélkül:

  • GitHub requests:
    • Fixed a typo in "Vorarlberg" region of Austria (was Voralberg)
  • Fixed bugs:
    • Fixed an issue with the "Add to Cart" button on the MAP popup of compound products
    • Fixed an issue where the "Add Address" button for Customer in Admin was broken
    • Fixed an issue where predefined data are not loaded for a newsletter when it is added to a queue
  • Indexer implementation:
    • Implemented a new optimized Catalog Category Product Indexer
    • Implemented a new optimized Catalog Category Flat Indexer
    • Implemented a new optimized Catalog Product Flat Indexer
  • Modularity improvements:
    • Moved all Configurable Product functionality to a newly created ConfigurableProduct module
    • Moved the Shortcut Buttons abstraction from PayPal to Catalog
    • Moved the Recurring profile functionality to a separate module
    • Moved the Billing Agreements functionality to the PayPal module
    • Finalized the work on resolving dependencies between the Multishipping module, and all other modules. Module can be removed without any impact on the system
  • Customer Service usage:
    • Updated Customer Group Grid to use Customer Service for data retrieving and filtering
    • Updated CustomerMetadataService::getAttributeMetadata to throw an exception if invalid code is provided
  • Unified the format of specifying arguments for class constructors in DI and in Layout configuration:
    • A common xsd schema is being used for defining simple types. Layout and DI customize common types with their specific ones
    • Argument processing is unified, and moved to library
2014.02.14. 22:37

Magento 2.0 dev 65

magento 2.0 dev65

Pénteki, szokásos:

Fixed bugs:
  * Fixed inability to execute System Backup, Database Backup, and Media Backup
* Indexer implementation:
  * Implemented a new optimized Catalog Category Flat Indexer
* Cron improvements:
  * Added the ability to divide cron tasks into groups
  * Added the ability to run cron groups in separate processes
* Caching improvements:
  * Added a new mechanism to identify uniquely page content (hash-key for cache storage)
  * Added a tab for Page Cache mechanism in System Configuration
  * Implemented the ability to configure the Varnish caching server settings and download it as a .vcl file
* LESS pre-processing to CSS
  * LESS files in library, theme, module are automatically compiled to CSS during materialization
  * LESS files compilation caching mechanism added in Developer mode
* Modularity improvements:
  * Moved the Shortcut Buttons abstraction from PayPal to Catalog
  * Moved the Recurring Profile functionality to a separate module
  * Moved the Billing Agreements functionality to the PayPal module
* Improvements in code coverage calculation:
  * Added code coverage calculation in the clover xml format for unit tests
* GitHub requests:
 * Remove and avoid javascript eval() calls
 * No message was displayed when product added to shopping cart.
 * Improve the error message from the contact form
 * Can't change prices on different websites for custom options
* Updated the Customer service exception handling, and added tests
* Added usage of the Customer service to the Customer module, replacing some direct usage of the Customer model
* Updated various PHPDoc with the parameter and return types
2014.02.06. 20:10

Magento 2.0 dev 64

magento 2.0 dev64

Aki péntekre várta a frissítést annak csalódnia kell, mert már itt van csütörtökön:

  • Modularity improvements:
    • Moved abstract shopping cart logic from the Paypal module to the Payments module
  • Caching improvements:
    • Added a new mechanism to uniquely identify page content (a hash-key for cache storage)
    • Replaced the "magentoZoom" plugin with two widgets: the "gallery" and "zoom"
  • Fixed bugs:
    • Fixed an issue with inserting an image in WYSIWYG editor where the selected folder was stored in session
    • Fixed an issue with CMS Page Links not being shown because of the empty text in the link
    • Fixed an issue where zooming functionality was not disabled for the responsive design
    • Fixed an issue with zooming on a configurable product page where the main product image was shown instead of the selected option images
  • Updated various PHPDoc with parameter and return types
  • Moved quote-related multishipping logic to the Multishipping module
  • Resolved dependencies between the Payment and Multishipping modules
  • Moved the framework part of the Translate functionality from modules to the library
  • Created the architecture for the email template library
  • Introduced a consistent approach for using the Config scope
  • Fixed an issue with the dependency static test

áruház, shop, bolt, üzlet Magento alapokon, webáruház, webshop, webbolt, kereskedelem, magento magyarul

Webáruház készítés Magento alapokon.

Magyar és külföldi Magento alapú webáruházakkal foglalkozom már egy ideje. Itt fogom megosztani tapasztalataimat, véleményemet a webshop készítéssel kapcsolatban és mindennel ami ezzel a témával kicsit is összefüggésbe hozható! Ha webáruházat szeretne indítani vagy a meglévőt átalakítani, akkor keressen meg bizalommal a friss e-mail címemen!

További ajánlataim

Régebbi Magento webáruház verziók megjelenési dátumai

2015.05.01. - Magento
2014.05.13. - Magento
2013.09.25. - Magento
2012.07.05. - Magento
2012.01.11. - Magento
2011.04.26. - Magento
2010.12.08. - Magento
2010.04.23. - Magento
2008.12.29. - Magento
2008.09.02. - Magento 1.0.19870.6

süti beállítások módosítása