2013.12.06. 21:00

Magento 2.0 dev 55

magento 2.0 dev55

A menetrend szerinti Magento 2.0 frissítés így Miklós napján.

  • Modularity improvements:
    • Session configuration moved to library
    • FormKey logic was moved from Session
    • SessionIdFlags from Session was removed
    • Move Page logic to the Theme module and library
  • Created integration module UX
  • Created authorization service (Magento_Authz module)
  • Fixed bugs:
    • Fixed the issue that prevented a customer group's shopping cart rules from applying properly to prices. The issue occurred when a customer was manually assigned to a customer group and automatic group assignment was enabled.
    • Fixed the bug with schema upgrade scripts not running after installation
    • Fixed the error with a blank page when user tries to get access to a restricted resource via URL (add Secret Key for URL set to "No")
2013.11.29. 22:08

Magento 2.0 dev 54

magento 2.0 dev54

Éés nincs fekete péntek sem frissítés nélkül. Magento 2.0 dev54-es verzió. Látványos, hogy elkezdtek foglalkozni a fejlesztői visszajelzésekkel. Még a végén tényleg kész lesz egyszer.

  • Modularity improvements:
    • Breakdown of the Adminhtml module:
      • Moved Newsletter, Report logic to the respective modules
      • Moved blocks, config, view, layout files of other components from Adminhtml folder to respective modules
    • Removed application dependencies from the library
  • Move Magento\Core common blocks in the library
  • Application areas rework:
    • Areas are independent from Store
    • Removed deprecated annotation from the getArea methods
  • GitHub requests:
    • Resolve design flaws in core URL helper
    • Bug in Mage_Page_Block_Html_Header->getIsHomePage
    • Turkish Lira (TRY) is supported for Turkish members.
    • Update Rule.php
    • Magento/Sales] Fixed typos
    • Magento/Core] Fixed typos
    • Removed Erroneous closing "
    • InstanceController.php - made setBody protected
    • Move Mage_Catalog menu declaration into Mage_Catalog module.
    • Update Merge.php
    • Check Data should validate gallery information
    • Extra ", tidied up nested quotes
    • Add Croatia Country as part of European Union since 1st July 2013 for default european local countries in configuration
    • Tax formatting is locale aware and should not
    • Correcting SQL for required_options column
    • cart api bug fix & partial invoice credit memo divide by zero warning
  • Themes update:
    • Old frontend (magento_demo) and backend (magento_basic) themes are removed
    • Updated templates and layout updates in the Bundle, Catalog, CatalogInventory, CatalogSearch, Downloadable, ProductAlert, Reports, Sendfriend modules
  • Fixed bugs:
    • Fixed the error when Magento cannot be reinstalled to the same database with table prefix
    • Fixed report Products in Cart
    • Fixed error on attempt to insert image to CMS pages under version control
    • Fixed order status grid so that you can assign state, edit, and view custom order status
    • Fixed Related Products Rule page so that category can be selected on conditions tab
    • Fixed Magento_Paypal_Controller_ExpressTest integration test so it is re-enabled
    • Fixed the bug with international DHL quotes
2013.11.23. 09:42

Magento 2.0 dev 53

magento 2.0 dev53

Nincs péntek frissítés nélkül. Magento 2.0 dev53-es verzió.

* Moved general action-related functionality to \Magento\App\Action\Action in the library. Removed Magento\Core\Controller\Varien\Action and related logic from the Magento_Core module
* Moved view-related methods from action interface to \Magento\App\ViewInterface with corresponding implementation
* Moved redirect creation logic from the action interface to \Magento\App\Response\RedirectInterface
* Moved Magento\Core common blocks to the library
* Added reading of etc/integration/config.xml and etc/integration/api.xml files for API Integrations
* Various improvements:
  * Email-related logic from the Core and Adminhtml modules consolidated in the new Email module
* GitHub requests:
  * [#238](#238) -- Improve escaping HTML entities in URL
  * [#199](#199) -- Replaced function calls to array_push with adding the elements directly
  * [#182](#182) -- By default use collection _idFieldName for toOption* methods.
  * [#233](#233) -- Google Rich Snippet Code
  * [#339](#339) -- Correcting 'cahce' typo in documentation.
  * [#232](#232) -- Update app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/controllers/CartController.php (fix issue #27632)
* Fixed bugs:
  * Fixed JavaScript error when printing orders from the frontend
  * Fixed Captcha problems on various forms when Captcha is enabled on the frontend
  * Fixed "Page not found" on category page if setting "Add Store Code to Urls" to "Yes" in the backend config
  * Fixed Fatal error when creating shipping label for returns

Ha már megjelent a dev52-es verzió, akkor gondoltam belepillantok, hogyan is áll jelenleg a frontend rész csiszolgatása. Nos, az irány a teljesen letisztult, responsive arculat felé mutat, de még igen messze van tőle.

A szavakat most nem is szaporítanám, íme néhány bemutató képkocka... (S mivel a blogmotor már tud galériát is, így ezt a funkciót is kihasználom, kattintani kell a képre a galériához)


2013.11.15. 21:50

Magento 2.0 dev 52

magento 2.0 dev52

Hétfői frissítés után itt a pénteki. Magento 2.0 dev52-es verzió.

  • Better Navigation menu rendering due to improved Caching of Categories
  • Added Magento\Filesystem\Directory and Magento\Filesystem\File to the library
  • Various improvements:
    • Added a static test to check for incorrect dependencies in the library
    • Moved Magento\Core\Model\Theme to the Magento\View component
    • Moved Magento\Core\Model\Design to the Magento\View component
    • Consistent declaration of page-types
    • The Framework part of the Cache functionality moved out from modules
  • Themes update:
    • Updated templates and layout updates in the Captcha, Customer, Newsletter, Persistent, ProductAlert, Wishlist modules; old files moved to the "magento-backup" theme
    • Refactored and removed duplicate Persistent module templates
    • Plushe theme made responsive
  • Fixed bugs:
    • Fixed inability to print order, invoice, or creditmemo in the frontend
    • Fixed fatal error caused by the Mage_Backend_Block_System_Config_FormTest integration test
    • Fixed the broken link when the MAP feature is enabled and actual product price is set to be displayed in the shopping cart
  • Moved the following methods from Core Helpers to the appropriate libraries:
    • Moved the Data Helper date format related functions to \Magento\Core\Model\Locale
    • Moved the Data Helper array decoration related functions to Magento\Stdlib\ArrayUtils
    • Moved the Data Helper functions that copy data from one object to another to \Magento\Object\Copy

áruház, shop, bolt, üzlet Magento alapokon, webáruház, webshop, webbolt, kereskedelem, magento magyarul

Webáruház készítés Magento alapokon.

Magyar és külföldi Magento alapú webáruházakkal foglalkozom már egy ideje. Itt fogom megosztani tapasztalataimat, véleményemet a webshop készítéssel kapcsolatban és mindennel ami ezzel a témával kicsit is összefüggésbe hozható! Ha webáruházat szeretne indítani vagy a meglévőt átalakítani, akkor keressen meg bizalommal a friss e-mail címemen!

További ajánlataim

Régebbi Magento webáruház verziók megjelenési dátumai

2015.05.01. - Magento
2014.05.13. - Magento
2013.09.25. - Magento
2012.07.05. - Magento
2012.01.11. - Magento
2011.04.26. - Magento
2010.12.08. - Magento
2010.04.23. - Magento
2008.12.29. - Magento
2008.09.02. - Magento 1.0.19870.6

süti beállítások módosítása